I've played a bit with Christmas papers and other material that I had home already. Some of the stamps are new, but most of them are from previous years. The idea is to be prepared in good time before the Holidya Frenzie starts, and I think that I made a good job this far anyway!
Symaskinen har hittat fram ... riktigt roligt att sy i papper!
The ol' sewing machine has had it's made into the scrap room ... I quite enjoy sewing in paper!

En embossingfolder med snöflingor på pärlemorskimrande papper gav en riktigt läcker effekt!
I used an embossing folder with snowflakes on a pearlescent paper, which turned out quite nice.


Jag gillar verkligen dessa utstansade bokstäver, prickarna gjorde jag med en vit penna och sen fick de sig ett lager Glossy Accents.
I just love these cut-out letters, dotted with a white pen and then glazed with Glossy Accents.