I went to a crop last weekend, at Scrap-Perra's just outside Stockholm. I don't usually go to crops, and that for a very good reason - I can't scrap in group. There are just too many things to look at, too much to shop and a bunch of nice crafty people that I just need to talk to. At this crop, we actually had only a couple of challenges, so no need to stress out on those. This card is the result of one of the challenges, with an album cover as inspiration.

Kolla hur blomstjälken smugit sig in i flickans hand ... himla fiffigt, va? ;)

Nu laddar jag för fullt inför Formex nästa helg, då jag och Marie ska hänga i Reprints monter. Hoppas vi ses där!
1 kommentar:
WOW!!! Det här kortet är HELT fantastiskt! Sååååå snyggt. :):):)
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