The title is a bit misguiding since this layout has nothing to do with peas. But the swedish expression for "two peas in a pod" is "alike as berries". Same, same but different. My daughter and her friend were just like to berries, or peas if you like, when they put on their newly bought identical sweaters and crunched into the same chair. I used papers from Prima Marketing, a real favourite.

Bokstäverna "R" och "e" är utskurna ur bakgrundspappret och placerade ovanpå det gröna pappret med 3D-kuddar, på samma ställe som de satt från början.
The letters "R" and "e" are cut out from the background paper and placed on top of the green paper on exactly the same position as the were originally.

Vad vore världen utan Glossy accents? En bärstämpel hade suttit fint, men i brist på sådan fick jag rita några blåbär med blad för hand och färglägga med distresser. Och så lite lack förstås ...
What would the world be like without Glossy accents? A berry-stamp would have been perfect, but since I didn't have one I had to draw the berries instead. I coloured them with distress refill inks and coated them with Glossy accents.

3 kommentarer:
Varför en bärstämpel när du kan rita så bra? Härlig LO. Kram
Åh så fin! Underbara färger och så läckert när du "flyttat fram" bokstäverna ur bakgrundspappret=)
Helt enig, hva skal man med bærstempel? :P
Utrolig stilig LO!
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