Jag försökte hänga med på alla utmaningar, och dessutom höll jag en demo för House of Inspiration där jag visade Top Score Multiboard och några roliga saker man kan göra med den.
Jag har inte fotat allt än, men här kommer i alla fall ett par layouter. Den första var till en skissutmaning och den andra till scrapkitsutmaningen.
Last weekend I attended a scrapevent here in Värmland. It was my very first scrapevent and it was just so much fun! Twelve hours of challenges, nice food and lovely people. Thank you Veronika and Lena for doing such a great job arranging everything!
I tried to keep up with all the challenges, and on top of that I also held a demo for House of Inspiration and showed how you can use the Top Score Multiboard.
I will soon show you some more stuff I made at the event, but for now you will have to settle with these two layouts. The first one was for a sketch challenge and the other one was the scrapbooking kit challenge.