I loooove Christmas Cards ... both giving and receiving - especially if they are hand made! On Tuesdays with Tina, you can join a Christmas Card swap with lots of lovely cards. I sent two of mine and are so looking forward to seeing what will come in return!

Läs mer om swappen på Tisdagar med Tinas blogg, och se ett Youtube klipp där hon visar upp både mina och andras julkort som kommit in så här långt. Du har fortfarande chansen att vara med, senast den 7 december behöver hon dina kort om du är sugen!
Take a look at this clip on Youtube, where lovely Tina herself shows some of the cards that have arrived so far (including my two!). She needs your cards by December 7 if you feel like joining the swap!

2 kommentarer:
Inte ett öga torrt här. Not an eye dry... Efter dina vänliga ord hoppas jag att vi får in ännu fler vykort till swappen! After this, I do hope we´ll receive even more handmade christmascards to the swap!
Best of Luck to all of you who´ll participate & get new, handmade christmascards from all around the world this year,
Thankful Tina
PS- Did I mention that Ulrikas cards got swapped away early this first morning of the swap... Her new ones are on their way to her now. I can´t help but to wish she has more coming this way. Just can´t get enough of her great craftmanship!
// Tina
som hoppas att Ulrika är med och håller fanan högt även nästa Tisdagswapp!!
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